Dental Information


Invisalign can solve a range of issues: overly crowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, over-bites, under-bites, cross-bites. Instead of metal braces, Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that are custom-molded to fit you. They gradually reposition your teeth. Aligners can be removed to eat, brush or floss, resulting in better oral hygiene and less chances of developing cavities or gum diseases.

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Crown is the most valuable restoration method for a tooth. Crown is placed on an existing tooth that was damaged due to cavities, or had root canal due to crack or infection. Crown is custom-made to fit your tooth from materials such as all-porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, gold-alloy or composite tooth-colored.

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A lost tooth can be replaced by a metal implant and a crown. The metal implant acts as a root of the tooth and the crown acts as a tooth you see.

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In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-Office Teeth Whitening can visibly improve the look of your smile. It takes about 90 minutes. It is best done after a dental check-up and completion of necessary treatment.

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Never Miss Preventive Care

Preventive Dental Care can lead to early detection of dental gum disease, cavity and cracks. With early detection, the treatment is easier and less expensive. Most insurances cover dental cleaning and exam twice every year.  Why miss this benefit?


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Teeth Grinding – The Cause of Tooth Loss

People are are loosing their teeth by wearing them down by grinding and cracking them by clenching at night. Other symptoms are increased  sensitivity and lost restorations (fillings). Most of the people don’t know they are grinding or clenching. But a dentist can diagnose and prescribe a custom night guard to protect your teeth.

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Protecting Teeth during Sports

A athlete is 60 times more likely to suffer harm to teeth when not wearing a mouthguard. Mouth guard is essential, since it works as a shock absorber for the teeth and soft tissue.  This is an important message to all the young athletes and adult playing sports. A dentist can make a custom sports mouth guard.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to see a dentist every 6-months?

Periodontal (gum) disease and  tooth decay (cavities) are the most frequent causes of tooth loss. If you visit a dentist every 6-months for your dental exam and cleaning, your dentist can detect these problems early and treat them. Most insurances cover such preventive care, so it is a free benefit that you should use.

If you have not been to a dentist for a while, your dentist may recommend deep-cleaning.

My teeth seem to be fine. Could there still be a gum disease?

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that support your teeth. These tissues break down and no longer support the teeth. There is also associated bone loss.
Gingivitis is a milder and reversible form of gum disease. Gingivitis, if not treated leads to periodontitis, a serious destructive form.
Some warning signs are: Gums that bleed easily, Red, swollen, tender gums, persistent bad breath, teeth that are loose or separating, any change in the teeth fit when you bite.
It is possible to have periodontal disease and have NO warning signs. That’s one reason why 6-month dental checkups are so important.

What are tooth-colored fillings?

These are composite fillings made in resin material matching the color of the tooth. They provide good durability and resistance to fracture for small and mid size restorations that need to withstand moderate chewing pressure.

How do I restore my cracked, worn or chipped tooth?

Crown and Veneer are two options.

What are the different choices for crowns?

Choices are all-porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, gold-alloy and composite tooth-colored.
All-porcelain (ceramic) crown’s color and translucency mimic natural tooth enamel. Strength is increased with porcelain-fused-to-metal. Gold-alloys exhibit high strength and toughness. This allows dentist to remove the least amount of tooth structure when preparing the tooth for crown. Composite crowns are tooth-colored, but their strength and durability is not as high as porcelain or gold-alloy and hence they are least recommended.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are a fantastic way to fix front teeth and create a great smile. Veneers are very thin and they are bonded on the front of your teeth. Now it is possible for you to get a Hollywood smile.

What are the teeth whitening treatments? Are they safe for enamel?

Teeth whitening treatments are dentist-supervised in-office or at-home techniques. In-office techniques make use of light-activated gel and require as little as one to two hours. At-home techniques produce results via daily sessions of wearing a customized gel-filled tray appliance for one or more weeks. Both of them are safe, effective and lasting. At Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry, we use award-winning aqueous cleaning technology for faster results, greater comfort.
Teeth whitening treatments are most successful in removing yellow, brown or orange stains resulting from age, coffee, tea or smoking. However dark gray tones from fluorosis, smoking or tetracycline use will not whiten as dramatically. Artificial materials such as porcelains do not whiten at all. Finally, sensitive teeth, teeth with periodontal disease and teeth with worm enamel do not respond well to whitening.